Job Seeker Services

Employment Service provides a connection between job seekers and employers. Job seekers' skills and experience are coded and entered into an application database to match with job openings listed with Oklahoma State Employment Service (OSES) by employers.

How it Works
The job seeker supplies some basic identification data, work history, and occupational preferences such as type of work, wages, and area of availability. Based on their skills and experience, applicants are assigned one or more occupational codes from the Occupational Information Network Standard Occupation Classification (O*NET-SOC) dictionary. Specialized skills and experience are also inventoried and coded for use by automated job matching systems.

Active applications are matched with job orders listed by employers, using O*NET-SOC codes, skills and experience keywords, and other job-related factors provided by the employer and the job seeker. Qualified job seekers are then contacted by OSES staff and offered referrals to job openings.

Job seekers may also request other services, such as job search training workshops to develop and practice job finding and interviewing skills, and referral to employment-related training. As part of the local employment and training service network the OSES can provide information on training and other services available in the community.

Who is Eligible
Any person who is legal resident and authorized to work in the United States may apply for Employment Services.

Last Updated on 06/28/06